Logs the user in.

No required URL Parameters
usernamestringtrueUsers chosen username.
passstringtrueUsers chosen password.

Successful Response

   registered: true

Response on error

One of the following keys will exist.
   emailUsed: true,
   usernameUsed: true,
   invalidEmail: true,
   invalidUsername: true
GET /login

Logs the user in.

No required URL Parameters
passwordstringtruePassword...........? (come on, do you really need a description?!)

Successful Response

   loggedIn: true

Response on error

   loggedIn: false

TBD - Not implemented.

This API is under development.

Emails the user a password reset with a unique link.

No required URL Parameters
emailstringtrueThe users email address.

Successful Response

   status: "sent"

Response on error

'err' will have the value of one of the items in the following array.
   err: [

Changes the users password.

No required URL Parameters
tokenstringtrueThe users unique token.
passstringtrueThe users new password.

Successful Response

   status: "success"

Response on error

'status' will have the value of one of the items in the following array.
   status: [

Function i'm working on that will change (for better or for worse)

This API is experimental.
No required URL Parameters
idekidk either, it can be a string.trueThis is just an example file stop expecting me to write real descriptions

exampleFunction ( requiredArg [, optionalArg] )
some description okay


Example Call

"exampleFunction('itsastringokay', { 'itsa': 'optional!' });"

Example Response

   optional: "you say?"